Enjoying His Works
I have seen that nothing is better than that man should be happy in his activities, for that is his lot. For who will bring him to see what will occur after him?
Ecclesiastes 3:22
These words by king Solomon is in the midst of saying everything is futile and the work done under the sun doesn't mean much. But this verse, I believe, really sums up his point. The righteous along with the wicked will go through the same things on this earth; there really isn't much difference in the circumstances. What really sets us apart is the joy in the things we do. Why we do something should show through passionately because it's rooted in holiness.
I've been feeling disconnected lately and I've been trying to fill it with something. In some ways I feel like my joy has been stolen; that I'm not in a season where God wants me and so I'm cut off. But that's not God. The devil would love to have me feel separated from the body of Christ and do things on my own. But this season needs to be one where I must draw closer to Him. I need to do this by digging deep into His word... but not through academics. I need to take what's already in my heart and be "doers of the word." I need to strengthen my family, by my examples and lead them into God's glorious will. I cannot fail here and it's a wonderful opportunity to limit distractions, enjoy His works, and be impactful for Christ.
Father God, thank You for always being right there even when I feel You're not. I pray to take everything You've deposited and apply them to where I am right now, no excuses and no complaining. In Your wonderful name I pray, amen.
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