When those hired first came, they thought that they would receive more; but each of them also received a denarius. When they received it, they grumbled at the landowner, saying, 'These last men have worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the scorching heat of the day.' (Matthew 20:10-12 NASB)
If those hired first didn't know others were being paid the same for working less, there wouldn't be grumbling amongst them. They would think all is fair and nothing needs to be said. But once they saw this they felt underpaid and devalued. They rationalized that they worked more so they should be paid accordingly. But that wasn't the agreement. The agreement was a denarius for a day's labor.
This passage reminds me of David taking the 600 into battle. 200 of them could not go any further and stayed back to watch camp while the remaining 400 went into battle. When the 400 returned victorious, they didn't want to share in the spoil because they didn't go with them. And David's response was that they should receive their share of the spoil too. That's what is right. It didn't matter how far they went, the time spent on specific tasks or even the details on what they did. It was doing the best they could at what they were asked.
I can easily be disgruntled by comparing what the next person has. I could go through life so content and happy that I have this or that but as soon as something else catches my eye that satisfaction dwindles. I want to keep up with the Jones'. I want a better, shinier car because someone down the street got one. I want a faster, flashier computer because a friend has one. I want a fatter bank account because a relative just got a promotion. Everything I had quickly becomes unsatisfactory because of greed and self-entitlement... all because I compared my gifts to another.
I really need to focus on my heart and the gifts of God. It doesn't matter how God chooses to present gifts to His children, it's the equal gift of His love that matters.
Father God, thank You for pouring so much love, peace and joy into our lives. I'm constantly amazed by Your delicate dealings with each of us yet never waiver in teachings and correction. Lord, I pray for a humble heart. Transform my mind so I'm always focused on You and You alone instead of the distractions of this world. Only then will I be truly content and satisfied. In Your Son's precious name I pray, amen.
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