Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sifted Ch. 2 - Identifying the 2 Greatest days of your life

My thoughts from this chapter:

When I’m tempted to compare myself (or my ministry) with another leader (or ministry), the temptation often looks like this: 

This question of comparison really boils down to what we believe about success. Does our idea of success relate to faithfulness, or is our notion of success more about influence? Or is it about something else entirely? The answer is found in the Word of God. How does God determine our success? And how do we learn to serve him in a way that avoids the trap of constant comparison with others?

Cordeiro, Wayne (2012-04-16). Sifted: Pursuing Growth through Trials, Challenges, and Disappointments (Kindle Locations 592-598). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. 

Discuss these questions:

1.  My greatest strengths in ministry are: 

2.  My greatest areas of weakness in ministry are:

Cordeiro, Wayne (2012-04-16). Sifted: Pursuing Growth through Trials, Challenges, and Disappointments (Kindle Locations 642-646). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. 

I tell people that the two greatest days in your life are the day you were born and the day you discovered what you were born for.

Cordeiro, Wayne (2012-04-16). Sifted: Pursuing Growth through Trials, Challenges, and Disappointments (Kindle Locations 660-661). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. 

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