Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Be Blessed or ... - Bob

S - Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes.
(Matthew 24:46 ESV)

O - Jesus says that those who are faithful servants, performing His work and trying to live a sanctified life, are going to be blessed.  However, those who are not, i.e. beats his fellow servants (unkind and/or maliscious) and eats and drinks with drunkards (self gratification and continuing to live in your sin without true repentence), there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.  This was clearly a wake up call for everyone to be ready at all times not just when you think Jesus is coming.
A - This is a very poignant verse to me in that Jesus offers a blessing or eternal damnation.  It is a choice and there is no being luke warm about it.  For me, I must continue to strive to be obedient to God's calling on my life and continually seek Him and His repentence, not for fear (yes some healthy fear) but out of love for the God who loves me and saved me from my sins.  He paid my ransom with His own blood and for that I am eternally thankful and choose to serve Him.
P - Father, I am thankful for your mercy and grace.  I ask that you continue to allow your Holy Spirit grow in me.  So that I may hear your voice, remain obedient, and continue to serve You.  Keep me ready for that day when you will come again in Your glory.  Amen.

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