Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Recipe for disastrous, spiritual leadership - Rod

Matt. 15:8  “ ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.  They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.’”

The Pharisees break and nullify the Word of God by their traditions.  They honor Jesus with their lips and their hearts far from Him.  Their teachings are rules taught by men.  The disciples told Jesus that He had offended the Pharisees.  I bet He did, with those strong, truthful, uncompromising and bold words of rebuke.

Matthew writes a contrasting scenario of a Gentile woman who is eager for Jesus to heal her demon possessed daughter.  Her faith to believe, willing to be as a “dog who eats the crumbs from the Masters table.”  This illustrates her as an outcast, second class person who is eager to receive, believing the Master.

Empty Heart, Vain Worship, Christ-less teaching:  That’s a recipe for disastrous, spiritual leadership.

A heart that is filled with love for Jesus, humility and brokenness, an eagerness for repentance, fervor for His Word, that speaks life filled, truthful words.

Worship that is sincere, transparent, selfless and Jesus adoring.

Teaching that is truthful, Biblical, full of love and the led by the Holy Spirit, Christ pleasing (not man centered).

These are the ingredients of the kind of heart I want to have and cultivate as a spiritual leader!

Dear Spirit of God!  You are alive in me!  Your Living Word is present in my heart, upon my lips.  I desire to worship You Jesus, with purity, in truth with a fervent, selfless love!  Convict Me.  Change Me.  To be and live like You - for Your purposes and honor!  My spirit is willing but my flesh is stinkin’ weak!

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