Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Matt 12 - Gabe

s) But I say to you that something greater than the temple is here. But if you had known what this means, 'I DESIRE COMPASSION, AND NOT A SACRIFICE,' you would not have condemned the innocent. (Matthew 12:6, 7 NASB)

O) Jesus was trying to show what was most important by quoting scripture to some Pharisees concerning the Sabbath.  They were focused on the Law but Jesus was drawing their attention to his authority.  At the time, it was only black and white in regards to following the Law but with Jesus, doing everything to the T was no longer required.  Jesus is trying to tell the Pharisees that what was greater than the temple was him.

A) Sometimes I find myself condemning those who don't do what I think they should.  It is easy to point a finger and blame others for not following "the word of God" but as I point one finger to another, there are three other fingers pointing at myself.  I need to be careful not to cast judgement and at the same time, I need to realize here that Jesus wants me to be compassionate toward others.

I've been in Japan now for almost two years and I have really lost compassion for people here because I focus too much on what I think they should do instead of remembering that they don't know any better.  This might not be in alignment fully with this passage of scripture but I know that's what God wants of me.  I need to stop condemning both those who are lost and those who follow Christ regardless of where they are in their walk.

P) Lord, thank you for reminding me of how you desire compassion more than sacrifice.  Help me to value this as you do and help me to see others the way you see them.  Amen.

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